
This website, UPBasicHub.com, is dedicated to providing news related to Uttar Pradesh, primary school updates, teacher transfers, UPTET, CTET, government job notifications, and other education-related information.

1. Information Source: All news, updates, and information available on this website are collected from various official and reliable sources. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the published content, UPBasicHub.com shall not be held responsible for any errors, delays, or incomplete information.

2. Official Affiliation: UPBasicHub.com is not affiliated with any government institution, board, department, or agency. It is an independent news portal that shares the latest updates in the education sector. For official government schemes, job updates, or exam-related information, candidates are advised to visit the respective official websites.

3. Legal Responsibility: UPBasicHub.com or its operators shall not be liable for any direct or indirect loss arising from the use of the information provided on this website. Users are advised to verify any official decision with the respective government websites.

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Note: If you find any errors in the information provided on our website or require clarification on any topic, please contact the official sources or notify us.

Contact Us: skbhardwaj19@gmail.com

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